Saturday, September 18, 2010

A fresh start

Since moving a few months ago and beginning a new school year at a new college, I basically have a clean slate. This is good and bad: I have the opportunity to make my life what I want it to be and make this an amazing and successful year in school, but I also have to start over with getting to know my new school, town, and new friends.
Recently I am really missing my old friends, I wish that I could do the wonderful things I used to like go for walks or meet up for dinner or go shopping or stargaze in the middle of the night. However, first I need to make new friends here. It's a difficult process, it takes guts and effort and time. I wish I could have 'insta-friends' but that doesn't really happen. Another obstacle is the fact that I am not really a typical 22 year old. I do enjoy going out with friends but I do not enjoy getting wasted. In fact, these situations make me rather uncomfortable and not very enjoyable at all. So far, this is posing a problem for hanging out with the few people I have met as of yet. Hopefully I can find a way to enjoy the drunk-bar scene and/or I can find so people who like a more low-key vibe.
On the plus-side, school is going very well. I have no fear of running into professors or people who will know of past absences or failures. I have the awesome opportunity of a clean slate and can make college an A+. So far I am doing alright and I think and hope that things will go even smoother once I get more used to the new schedule. Although, things in lie usually happen at a slower pace than I'd like, I am certainly making progress and I hope that I can remember that through the tough times that I am sure to encounter.

Gym Class:
I don't know who decided that gym class should be a required class in college, but I am going to try to make it have a positive influence on my life. My goal for the semester is to exercise at least 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes. Keeping myself accountable and on track will be key to accomplishing this, so hopefully I will be able to report good things in upcoming blogs.

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